
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do aspirants need for it?

There are no defined qualifications for entering this field. Those with the gift of the gab and the ability to write have an edge. Soft skills like networking, inquisitiveness and time consciousness are also important. Graduates in English literature and mass communication with some hands-on experience are preferred at the entry level, so are MBAs.

A degree or diploma in mass communication helps for a career in corporate communication. However, many professionals agree that more than the degree, it is your personal skills that matter the most. "It helps to have a degree in communication, but it is not essential. What matters is being able to understand issues related to your organisation, an understanding of current affairs, and an eye for any development that could affect the organisation. A degree or diploma in communication, no doubt, helps get an entry into the field. Also, language skills and the ability to see opportunities are important qualities.

Ideally before getting into this field one should have a relevant degree in communication. A formal degree in journalism & mass communication can help you get an easier access into this sector. Communication education gives you an understanding and helps to grasp things faster.” Armed with degrees job seekers can directly consider entering the sector. In today’s a job market students can easily start a rewarding career in this field.

A degree would not give you the strategic thinking and the ability to make and maintain contacts that matter a lot in corporate communication. You also need an ability to understand the business, ability to network within and outside the organisation and the ability to make people believe you as well as believe in you. It is only after that your audiences trust you.

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